Westklinik Dahlem
Clayallee 225 B
14195 Berlin / Dahlem
Telefon: 030 / 83 00 00-0
Station: 030 / 83 00 00-13


Our Facility

Dear patient,

after you have visited the doctor of your choice and you have received a referral to hospitalisation in West-Klinik Dahlem, Your physician will continue Your treatment in our open clinic.

The existing relationship of trust between doctor and patient will be persistent. 

On this informative page, we would like to reduce Your anxieties concerning Your intended clinical treatment.

In addition to the modern medical-technical, high quality equipment, we emphasise the individual care by nurses, physiotherapists and dieticians.

This is a definite advantage of private hospitals, which attach great value to a personal atmosphere and which can take time for personal attention.

Specialist Divisions
Learn more about our Specialist Divisions. The high level of expertise is based on highly qualified, practicing specialists with many years of operational experience.
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